No Need for the WHO Pandemic Treaty
Dr Arvind Singh Kushwaha (Department of Community Medicine, AIIMS, Nagpur, India)
13 Apr 2022
Humanity has survived through worst pandemics without a treaty. Since IHR exist, there is no need for any pandemic treaty. Response by a country is driven by the stage of epidemic/pandemic, demographic factors, traditional medicines, resources available and other health issues faced. Biggest mistake in the pandemic was to practice "One size fits all strategy" while stratified approach is the right way. Vaccinating whole world with experimental vaccines for a disease with very low CFR is not only unwarranted but have proved counterproductive, examples include Israel, Hong Kong. Countries with lowest vaccine coverage have done better. Vaccines can NEVER be way out of pandemics. Important thing is surveillance, early warning and containment. The manipulation to viruses in name of research must be stopped and steps to prevent use of viruses as bioweapon must be strengthened. Vaccines even if safe cannot be administered by force or mandates. Lockdowns must never be used again. Doing an honest review of experience in the Covid pandemic must guide our future strategy. Lessons must be learned for each country. The pandemic treaty will only create totalitarian control over pandemic. If the chosen strategy is wrong, it shall affect whole world. No one is safe till everyone is safe is not true. Provide good nutrition, fresh air, healthy environment first and we shall never need a pandemic treaty. More research on early treatment of viral illnesses is required. Health is not attained through vaccines but developing innate immunity of people.
Dr Arvind Singh Kushwaha (Department of Community Medicine, AIIMS, Nagpur, India)